Code of Conduct
Rice Cookie (RC) aspires to make improv open and affordable to everyone. RC aims to provide a welcoming, warm and supportive environment where beginners and advanced players can practice improvisational theater. Therefore, RC offers workshops, jams and shows which are open to people of all ages, genders, ethnic backgrounds, cultural views, sexual orientations, religions and nationalities.
RC gives great attention to promote values of inclusivity, fairness, respect, and non-judgement.
To achieve this, we ask our participants to follow the guidelines below:
How to improvise:
- Improvise from the place of fun, love, kindness and respect
- Listen to your scene partner
- Accept your scene partner’s offers (Yes And), unless it is unsafe or demeaning to do so
- Don’t use the real name of a player when defining a character
How to interact with each other:
- Be respectful to others when they are on stage, e.g. by not talking at the back
- Respect physical boundaries: do not shout into another person’s ears, do not be violent, do not engage in physically threatening behavior from a close distance, do not touch private parts of their bodies or any accessories (including sexual areas, face, or glasses), do not touch other parts of their body without consent, do not pull on or damage their clothes, do not lift, drag, or push another person without their consent
- When dressing and undressing yourself or another person in a scene, use imaginary clothing (“improv clothes”) and do not tamper real clothing
- Avoid overly sexual and violent scenes
- Abstain from ableism, ageism and sexist or racist endowments
At any time during the workshop you can withdraw from an activity without giving a reason. We recommend using the time-out sign (T). Feel free to step aside and join the group again once you’re ready. You should never have to perform in an unsafe or unsupportive environment.
Participation is based on: first come, first served basis.
Photos are taken by organizers only. You have the right not to be photographed.
The opinion of any moderator does not represent the opinion of Rice Cookie.